Monday, November 07, 2005

Adaptive Modular LED Tile Game Prototype

Holy minimalism batman! Look at that TileToy, these things look sweet, check out the video of how they work. They look super fun, if not a little novel. I can understand how they could be marketed as a "learning" device, but I dont see them working their way into the elementary school calculus classes anytime soon. I do enjoy the notion of having a device that you can use/play with that knows exactly where it is and how it is supposed to behave. I believe that the thing that will be most beneficial to the ability of user supported programs to be run, the end-user possibilities make this a very versitile tool... and the beautiful Finnish design doesnt hurt the aesthetics either. In my opinion they look a hell of alot better than the Sony counterproduct, but they lack the multiple color LEDs... I'm partial to red anyway. Although thinking about playing an adaptive game of SET, using the Blockjam tiles, that sounds nice.


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