Thursday, November 17, 2005

Fat car and fat house.

The MCA or museum of contemporary art (in Sydney Australia)currently has on display the artwork of Erwin Wurm. Obviously a modern artist his work features "fat" objects like the "fat house" and the "fat car" seen at the left. His work also features people (see also: performers) using everyday things in very strange ways. Like the guy who is "wearing" the chair, which seems likesomething you would do inevitably with a chair if given enough time alone with it. (beside the sitting) I am a bit disconcerted by the people with their heads in the doghouse. Overall I really like this stuff, it is just strange enough without falling in the normal pitfalls of usual modernism. Oh yea, It has to do with drugs too... imagine that. "The puzzling monologue, decoded in the book that accompanies the show, turns out to be a free-verse lexicon of drug slang."


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